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City of Waynesville to vote on Sales Tax for Recreational Marijuana Retail Sales


Let your voice be heard, August 8th, 2023!

If the proposed tax in Waynesville is passed, the revenue generated would be directed toward general funding with an initial emphasis on Emergency Services.  In November, Missouri voters sanctioned a 6% statewide tax as part of legalizing recreational marijuana. This amendment also granted individual cities the option to impose an additional 3% tax on sales.

After much debate, City Council agreed that if passed, the revenue from this tax should be placed into General funding instead of earmarking the funds for a specific purpose.  "When the voters passed the Internet Use Tax, those tax dollars were allocated to be used specifically for roads, bridges and sidewalks.  Because of this, Use Tax dollars can not be used for anything else," explained Finance Officer Amber Box.  "The needs of the City change over time and the City Council wants to make sure that future administrations and elected officials have a revenue source that can fund a wide range of projects and department needs.  This would include everything from emergency service equipment to sewer plant upgrades and even additional funding for roads and bridges, if needed."  

"Currently the city of Waynesville does not have any local businesses that sell marijuana for recreational use", added Mayor Sean A. Wilson. "It is important that the City take a proactive stance in this manner to ensure we are prepared if the need arises. With the support of the citizens we can accomplish this goal." 

Here are some of the ways the funds could be used initially, if voters approve this sales tax:

Central Communications Dispatch: 

  • Procure equipment including radios and technology  
  • Provide for adequate staffing needs within the division
  • Provide funds for training

Emergency Preparedness:

  • Update equipment and technology
  • Increase community and public outreach training, resources, and engagement.


Polls open at 6:00am and close at 7:00pm on August 8th, 2023.  Voting will take place at the ARK Community Center located at 25625 Hwy 17, Waynesville, MO.  65583.

Are you registered to vote? Check your voter registration status here: https://www.sos.mo.gov/elections/goVoteMissouri/register