Special Events
Application Process - Types of Events - Additional Permitting - Liability Insurance - Special Event Application
The City of Waynesville has a rich and diverse history of community-based events and entertainment. We are proud to put our community and its amenities on display for all to enjoy and visit as we celebrate what we believe is one of the finest cities in the State of Missouri. In order to plan a safe and successful event while remaining mindful of the needs of the surrounding community, there are various departments within the City of Waynesville that reveiw all Special Event Permit Applications. |
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Generally, a Special Event Permit is required for any organized activity or event, whether organized by a nonprofit entity, private enterprise, individual or other, which involes the use of, or will have an impact upon, public property, public facilities, sidewalks or city streets.
Application Process
Special Events are those which are held on City Property, Streets or Parks. City Special Events include, but are not limited to, events involving 25 or more persons, is open to the general public and/or requires the use of one (1) or more park pavilions. The following activities are examples of a Special Event:
- Amusements or Carnivals
- Entertainment
- Music Concerts
- Dramatic or Theatrical Productions
- Festivals
- Parades
- Runs, walks, triatholons and bicycle races or rides that will not comply with the normal or usual traffic regulations or controls or are likely to impede, obstruct, impair or interfere with the free flow of traffic.
- Any activity involving the sale of merchandise, food or alcohol.
- Any activity making use of structures not already present on the public space such as stages, canopies, awnings, risers, bleachers, fences, partitions, stands or similar constructions.
- Any activity taking place on public space that may require for its successful execution city services to a degree significantly over and above that routinely provided under ordinary circumstances as determined by City Administration.
More information regarding certain types of events can be found below. If you are unsure whether your event will need a Special Event permit, you can contact City Hall through the website Contact Page.
Once City staff receive your application, it may take up to three-four weeks to make its way through the various departments for approval. This is why it is so important for you to have any additional documentation, such as parade routes and the proper liability insurance, submitted with your application.
When your application has processed you will receive notification of whether your event is approved or denied via email, so be sure to note your email address for the event on your application.
Types of Events
The most important detail of a parade is where you plan on Staging and De-staging your participants. Be mindful of the amount of space you will need at your staging area and how easily it will be for participants to ecit the area once they have traveled the parade route. Will you need police assistance for traffic control? If so, think of how many personnel you will need to help you. Also, be sure to note whether participants will be dispersing any itmes to the crowd, like candy and samll novelity items. | ![]() |
WALKING/Running Events
Organized walking or running events can be difficult to plan due to traffic flow and other safety concerns. When filling out your application, be mindful of the time of day and the route you are planning to take for your event. Be sure to include a detailed map of your route with your application. Noting where you may have watering stations or other stops on your route will help expedite approval of your permit.
Use of Athletic FieldsThe athletic fields in Roubidoux Park are available for reserve, at no charge, as long as dates and times do not conflict with WSR Youth Sports Program training or events. A small fee of $10.00 a day is charged for the use of the field lights either early in the morning or during the evening hours. Please contact City Hall for current openings. |
Additional Permitting
Festivals and music concerts may require the use of the Roubidoux Stage, include food vendors or need ATV permits in order to manage their event. Check out the information below if you require any of these items or other accomodations.
The Roubidoux Stage
The Roubidoux Stage, located across from the Splash Park in Roubidoux Park, is available for rent all year round. The City also has a PA System available for rent, as well.
Deposits are required to reserve both the stage and PA system. Park Staff will be ready and available to give you access to both when the time comes to get ready for your event!
Food VendorsThe Roubidoux StrEATery is a City owned Food Truck Court and is not governed by the Special Events Application. Mobile Food Vendors who have a City of Waynesville Business License are authorized to rent space in the StrEATery through the City at any time during the year. If you would like to included Mobile Food Trucks at your event, please contact City Hall to confirm that space is available for the dates of your event. The fee for Mobile Food Trucks without a City of Waynesville Business License is $50.00 per vendor. All unlicensed Mobile Food Trucks must check in with City Hall before they are allowed in the StrEATery and must have a current Health Inspection from their County of origin. Event Organizers are not permitted to charge a Mobile Food Vendor with a City of Waynesville Business License any fee to operate within the StrEATery. Event Organizers who do so will have their Special Events Application denied. |
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Temporary Liquor Permit
Two types of Temporary Liquor Permits may be purchased by Event Organizers under the following conditions:
- By the Drink - Can be issued to Event Organizers if the participating supplier currently holds a valid liquor license with the State of Missouri and the necessary sales tax is collected. Permits are only good for the dates of the event.
In the event the Supplier and Event Organizer are one and the same, then no additional permit fee is required.
- Tasting Permit - Can be issued to Event Organizers if the participating supplier currently holds a valid liquor license with the City of Waynesville. Any winery, distiller, manufacturer, wholesaler, brewer or designated employee may provide and pour distilled spirits, wine or malt beverage samples for customer tasting purposes provided no sales transactions occur.
Use of All-Terrain VehiclesAll-Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) are authorized within the boundary of the event only. A fee of $25.00 will be charged for the use of ATVs during your event. All ATVs should be operated by a licensed driver according to state and local law. ATVs cannot be used within the waterways of the City's parks. |
Commercial Liability Insurance
Event Organizers must provide and maintain the following insurance at the Organizer's expense:
- Commercial General Liability Insurance with a minimum limit of $1,000,000 each occurence/$2,000,000 general aggregate written on an occurrence basis.
- Comprehensive Business Automobile Liability Insurance for all owned, non-owned and hired automobiles and other vehicles used by Organizer(s) with a combined single limit of $1,000,000 per accident.
- Worker's Compensation Insurance with statutory limits required by applicable Federal or State law and Employers Liability insurance with a minimum limit of $1,000,000 per accident, if applicable.
- If the Organizer(s) maintain higher limits than the minimums required, the City requires and shall be entitled to coverage for the high limits maintained by the Organizer(s).
Additionally, the City must be named as an additional insured and be provided the appropriate additional insured endorsements.
Since the City of Waynesville holds insurance through the Missouri Intergovernmental Risk Management Association (MIRMA), event organizers that are not able to obtain liability coverage may purchase coverage through HUB International’s program Event Insure for a discounted price since your event will be held in a MIRMA city. You can download Hub International's insurance application and then email the completed form to [email protected] for approval.
Please remember: